Moljebka Pvlse "Discourse on Lightness" CD
We've been enjoying the music of Mathias Josefson's Moljebka Pulse for many years, but we think this is his best work so far. A wonderful album, with the 24 minute first track being perfect drone music of the highest quality.
Limited edition of 300 copies in a very nice 6-panel digipack
LABEL DESCRIPTION : After 2015's "A Transformation" Moljebka Pvlse is back with a new work on Reverse Alignment. As the title "Discourse on Lightness" suggest, the new album explore the semantics of "light". As "light" can have obvious different meaning, the three tracks that comprise Mathias Josefson's new album also has a different approach soundwise. As entering track "A History of Levitation" takes a swarming grip on drone with carefully laid out details the second one, "Between Lightness & Luminance", is more experimental, unpredictable to it's character but still keeps to the format. Ending track "A Field Guide to the Sunrise" is somewhat a mixture between the two previous, as if two unmatched views or discourses becomes one common.
"One of the best drone-ambient works so far released in 2017" Darkroom Magazine
Review from Vital Weekly "With this new album Josefson wants to explore the "semantics of light" and that calls for a somewhat different approach then. In the 'old' days, the sound of Moljebka Pvlse seemed very much dictated by the use of field recordings and the electronic treatments thereof. On this new release I am not so sure if that is still the case. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there has been a shift from field recordings to instruments and in that respect especially the guitar. In the twenty-four minute opening piece, 'The History Of Levitation', we could easily belief to hear a whole bunch of guitars lovingly playing together. And with a whole bunch I could easily think 50 or 100 different layers, close together, and yet all a bit different. There is a refined sense of microtonalism going on, but also something that we could lightness. Before landing on a piece of equal length we have the six minutes shorter 'Between Lightness And Luminance' in between, which is less of a drone affair, and guitars might have been replaced by violin sounds (or others from the orchestral bin), which scrap around, a bit far away and a bit remote, which gives the whole thing a spooky character. In 'A Field Guide Ro Sunrise', Moljebka Pvlse uses drones along with percussion instruments played sparsely but adding a new element to the music, something freer and improvised even. This is indeed a break from the old Moljebka Pvlse sound and yet still something that fits what he does. Not a shocking move but a carefully planned one and hopefully a road to explore further." Frans de Waard